You must enter a username and password.
Login using or email
Directory: NEXTT
Username: [Contact name i.e. jsmith]
Password: [Outlook password]

Login using own personalemail

Directory: Local account
Username: [Personal email address]
Password: [Password]
*Please update your password upon first login
to ensure online security.*

If you cannot login after multiple attempts, try troubleshooting:
1. If the error message says your account is locked, please wait 5-10 minutes before logging in again. Ensure the Directory is correct.
2. If this doesn't work, take a screenshot of the most recent error message and send to
3. If the login issues continue, please forward the error message and login issues to

*For Nextt and Lizard email addresses, please allow 24hrs for the new password to update on Nextt Community before logging in.